
Hi, I'm Becky.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse gravida tortor eget enim posuere varius. Integer a odio molestie, lacinia sem a, dignissim dui. Vivamus non aliquam risus. Curabitur vitae dui et lacus tincidunt placerat at non ex. Donec sit amet facilisis eros, a tempor urna. Nam viverra consequat lorem, vitae sagittis sem dictum nec. Sed pellentesque sapien venenatis maximus efficitur. Maecenas enim nisl, scelerisque a ante eu, aliquet pretium lorem. Donec gravida ultrices consectetur. 

LEGO Workshop

As children grow, they are constantly pushed to learn through “traditional” ways, ways where pen and paper prevail. However, there is another way that can help children strengthen their fundamentals of learning while being creative at the same time. The way is through “LEGO Building”. LEGO is a practical and an effective way of learning through […]

Storytelling & Coconut Leaf Art By Payal

We are delighted to talk about this session because it was held by one of our very gifted Farmizens, Payal Desai:). Payal has been involved in storytelling for about 2 years and also has a creative streak in her. Her storytelling sessions, not only help children cross barriers of hesitation and underconfidence but also make […]

Tie & Dye Workshop

Hi There! So, here we are, to talk about yet another exciting workshop held at Blue Jamoon Farms on 17th Feb 🙂 It was a Tie & Dye workshop, where the participants were just asked to get a piece of old cloth, three colours, a brush and themselves to create sheer magic! About the workshop […]

Plant ID

Sometimes, when Farmizens receive harvests from our farms, and receive some bonus veggies from the common areas, we see questions in the chat groups – “Hey, what veggie is this – can you help me identify it ?”. So, we thought we will compile a list of veggies that we have seen consumers have trouble […]

Self-harvesting guidelines for Farmizens

We love it when you come to the farm and harvest your own produce. It’s highly recommended because – a. You get a better sense of growing status of each bed – at a more granular level than the app can update you on. b. You get some dirt under your fingernails – and this […]

Storytelling Workshop

We at Farmizen love to have fellow Farmizens come over to the farm and have a great time. We think that coming to the farm, not only makes them understand the know-how of organic farming but also brings them closer to their roots 🙂 So, when they come over, we want to make sure that […]

Recipes of French Beans

French beans are long and broad shaped with seeds covering their middle portion. These kidney-shaped beans are also known as lima beans and sometimes butter beans because of their cream like texture. In this blog, we will discuss the health benefits of this long, green and broad veggie and also discuss the recipes that it […]

Recipes of Purple Round Brinjal

Brinjal, popularly known as baingan in Hindi is a warm season crop but can be successfully grown in rainy seasons also. All types of soil are good for growing Brinjal that comes in many different sizes including medium, large and small. In this blog, we will cover some health benefits of this veggie and also […]
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