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" The outcome was incredible. Sale went up and hit the highest record since the start of the company. Highly recommended. "
– Andy Crawford, Apollo Inc.
" We'd never regret working with the agency. Our campaign was the big hit, so as our annual sale numbers. "
– John Hopman, Fastlane
" We would never be more happy with the works. All the credits went to the creative and hard-working team. "
– Tim Dalton, CASA
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Don’t Let Go Of The Lettuce
For a lot of our Farmizens, lettuce is a very easy crop to grow, and quite often, is the first crop you harvest, since it grows so fast! So, today – let’s talk about what you can do with your lettuce. For most of us, lettuce and salad are synonymous. But there is much more […]
7 years ago
Millennials And Farming
At Farmizen, we believe millennials will change the face of the farming industry. Admired much for their business acumen, entrepreneurial spirit, passion and technological savvy – millennials are expected to pioneer and champion a number of innovations in agriculture – both as consumers and entrepreneurs. Millennials want to consume food that is marked by […]
7 years ago
3 Recipes Uncovered About Green Amaranth!
In this blog post we would like to throw light on “Green Amaranth” that shies away from the spotlight , but has always shined as the underdog. Showing physical similarities to Spinach, Amaranth comes in various tones of Green, Red, Gold and Purple. We will discuss about Red Amaranth in one of our next blog posts. Benefits […]
7 years ago
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