
Discover the recipes of leek

Leek belongs to the family of onion and garlic. This is basically the stem, leaf or the stalk of leek plant and often referred to as a bundle of leaf sheaths. It is firm, crunchy and has a woody base. Smaller varieties have a subtle taste and are more tender.

It can be fried, used in a soup and eaten raw as a part of many salad varieties. In this blog, we will talk about recipes of leek and also its many benefits. Read on to know more.

Benefits of Leek

Being green and leafy both, leek has plenty of health benefits.

*Leek is high in anti-oxidants that help in preventing cancers by suppressing the free radicals produced in the body.

*Leek contains high protein content and that can help your body produce healthy red blood cells.

*This vegetable is a rich source of dietary fibre, which reduces blood cholesterol levels and aids in the process of digestion.

*It also has antiseptic, diuretic, laxative anti-arthritic properties.


Now that you all are aware of the health benefits, it is time to hop onto the recipes of leek.

Recipe 1

Potato And Leek Soup

This is also known as Vichyssoise and can be served both hot and cold depending on the weather. Read the recipe below.

Start the process by taking a pan and putting 2 leeks and 1 onion into it. Now saute them till they turn pink in colour.

Now add 2-3 small sized potatoes (peeled and chopped) and saute for 2-3 more minutes. Add the vegetable stock(1 l), salt to taste, 1 Tbsp of butter, pepper to taste and let it simmer for 5-6 minutes.  Add 1 cup milk to this and let it cook for a few more minutes. Blenderize the soup and add 2 Tbsps of cream. Garnish with chives and parsley.

Your soup is ready to be served hot or cold.

Recipe 2

Leek Curry

This is a spicy recipe created just for our Indian appetite. Read below to know the recipe.

Start the process by heating up 1 Tsp oil in a pan. Now put 1/4 Tsp nigella seeds in it and fry for a few seconds.

Add chopped leeks(1 cup) to this, stir well to get a good mix and continue frying. After this add 1 Tsp of turmeric powder and 1/2 Tsp of red chilli powder to this and mix this well by cooking for 5 to 6 minutes. Add salt(according to taste) , sugar(according to taste) and 1Tbsp of lemon juice and mix all the ingredients well. Once the ingredients are properly mixed, put fried 2 Tsp of chana dal and blend further by cooking for a few minutes.

Your leek curry is ready.

So,with this we have come to the end of our recipe list. I hope you enjoyed reading the recipes.

Happy Cooking! 🙂





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